Friday, 31 August 2007

Scuttlebutt Gets Answers From ACM - More Questions Arise

Under the title 'ACM: Questions And Answers', the excellent Scuttlebutt has provided yet further opportunity for ACM to (fail to) respond to some of the most significant questions not related to legal actions. Read the whole piece in Scuttlebutt 2423.

ACM COO Michel Hodara first responded to a precise & perfectly worded question concerning the risk of unsporting conduct arising from the Defender's impact when competing in the Challenger series. In response, Hodara repeated issues of cost saving and the necessity to test the single vessel, as previously stated by ACM. Not once did the response reflect the question posed.

In answer to which teams were involved in the design of the new class of AC vessel, Hodara stated that from mid September all the officially challenging teams will be involved, including "the German Team who have submitted their entry and who will formally be accepted in the next days.”

Hodara was asked to explain the recent ACM statement which suggested ACM had proposed the 33rd protocol, when the protocol should be agreed upon by Defender and Challenger. Hodara explained, “That is correct and is exactly what happened. The Protocol is the result of many meetings and discussions with the Challenger of Record and its representatives, which lasted most of the duration of the 32nd AC Match. The process was the same than in 2003 with GGYC and BOR.”

And finally, when pressed to explain the relationship between ACM, SNG & Alinghi, Michel Hodara observed, “Because Yacht Clubs tend to appoint the appropriate professionals to deal with all AC operational and administrative matters, ACM sometimes speaks on behalf of Alinghi’s club, the Société Nautique de Genève (SNG).”

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